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XXV SEIEM Symposium – Santiago of Compostela

Facultade de Enfermaría e Facultade de CC. Educación Campus norte Avda. Xoan XXIII, Santiago de Compostela, Galiza, Espanha

From the 1st to the 3rd of September 2022, the University of Santiago de Compostela hosts the XXV SEIEM Symposium for researchers and teachers in the field of Mathematics Education.

Atlantic Webinar

Webinar 2 Problem solving and traits of high mathematical ability Researcher: Ángel Gutiérrez, University of Valencia, Spain see full program here

EIEM 2022

FCT UNL Campus da Caparica, Caparica, Almada, Portugal

November 19 and 20, 2022
Theme "Curriculum Development"
Organization/Location: FCT NOVA (Caparica)

Atlantic Webinar 3

Webinar 3 Solving and Proposal of Problems: in association with ICTs, research and practices in Mathematics Education Researcher: Norma Suely Gomes Allevato, Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul see full program here


Barcelos Barcelos, Portugal

This year, the XXXIII SIEM will take place on July 5th and 6th, in Barcelos. The program will include plenary lectures, conferences with discussion, a panel, and the GTI Space. For more information see:

Summer School 2023 – SEIEM and SPIEM

Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Campus de Santa Apolónia, Bragança, Bragança, Portugal

Summer School 2023 – SEIEM and SPIEM The Summer School is a joint initiative of the Spanish Society for Research in Mathematics Education (SEIEM) and the Portuguese Society for Research in Mathematics Education (SPIEM), whose main objective is to contribute to the training of young researchers in mathematics education. The Summer School 2023 will take […]